Lena Kirk
Robert Hollingsworth
4540 Poplar Avenue
Memphis, TN 38117
Mr. Robert Hollingsworth,
I would first like to extend my appreciation at your willingness to review my art portfolio. My name is Lena Kirk and I am interested in submitting the following resume for representation in your gallery, which Dwayne Butcher encouraged me to apply. I am currently a senior at the Memphis College of Art, graduating in the spring of 2012. I have had a variety of my mediums displayed in exhibitions at the Memphis College of Art. I am truly a well rounded artist when it come to experimentation with a variety of media.My primary focus is sculpture, and while solid form is my preferred medium, I have chosen to include selections representative of my experience in painting and printmaking, as I feel these would be stronger suited for your gallery space.
I feel I would contribute well to the David Lusk Gallery given the intent behind my pieces and the approach I used to manifest them. I think that the collection I have provided will represent a set of emotions and conflicts that most people never experience, and will bring to them an understanding of my perception.
I hope you have a moment to peruse my collection of works and tell me your thoughts and opinions about it. Again, I very much appreciate your time. I hope to hear from you soon.
Lena Kirk
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